COVID-19: self-assessment filing deadline extended
The personal tax return filing deadline has been extended…

COVID-19: new lockdown grants announced
New grants have been made available for businesses in the retail, hospitality and leisure sectors…

COVID-19: full details of the Self Employment Support Scheme (SEISS) third grant have been released - and HMRC have changed eligibility.
Details of the third Government grant for the self-employed have been released…

COVID-19: furlough extension and what is covered by the UK Government
The furlough scheme has been extended…

COVID-19: Goverment Announces additional support for business and self employed
Latest news on further help for businesses and self employed. Follow the link for full details.

COVID-19: new grants for businesses affected by local lockdowns
Latest news on businesses affected by local lockdowns. Follow the link for full details.

COVID-19: important update
Chancellor Rishi Sunak has announced further Government support - read on for full details.

COVID-19: job retention scheme extended
The furlough scheme has been extended by four months.

COVID-19: return to work guidance
The Guidance for Employers for Working Safely has been released.

COVID-19: self-employed update
The grant scheme for the self-employed is going live next week.

COVID-19: self-employment income support scheme
Click the link for an important update for the self-employed.

COVID-19: grant email scam
Businesses have been told to be aware of an email scam regarding the grant scheme. Click the link for full details.